
In the heart of the Rías Baixas, the city of Pontevedra was born in Roman times on the banks of the river Lérez, but reached its splendour at the beginning of the Renaissance with the discovery of America, as Pontevedra played an important role. Its rich history is reflected in an important artistic heritage that deserves to be discovered. We propose to visit its charming squares, its cobbled streets full of emblazoned houses and the Museum of Pontevedra, where we will find one of the richest collections of gold jewellery in Europe, with more than 4,000 years.

During our tour, we will visit the monument to the heroes of Pontesampaio, which recalls the Napoleonic wars, the ruins of San Domingos, the church of La Peregrina and its curious shell shape, an obligatory passage for pilgrims making the Portuguese route to Santiago de Compostela; the square of A Ferreiría with its typical arcaded buildings where we find the church of San Francisco and its imposing rose window of 5m in diameter, the charming square of A Leña, the church of San Bartolomé, where the patron saint of the city, the Virgin of the O (representation of the pregnant Virgin) is venerated the square of A Verdura with its lively terraces, the Convent of the Apparitions where Sister Lucia, one of the three shepherds of Fatima, lived; the spectacular Basilica of Santa Maria and the harmonious square of O Teucro will make this visit an unforgettable memory.

A tour of Pontevedra accompanied by our official licensed tour guides with anecdotes, history and artistic descriptions will enrich this delightful walk. You will discover the link between Pontevedra and Christopher Columbus, the Roman origins of the city, the last of the great Spanish pirates: Benito Soto, who was the parrot Ravachol? and its relationship with the carnival or why the writer Ramón María del Valle Inclán walks around these places.

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